Saturday, November 12, 2016

Mayita pt1

If you didn't know I had a dog, then you're a stranger. Welcome.

In February of 2011, we got a puppy. We named her Maya - you can read about it here.

This pup brought joy and laughter since even before she moved in. We were like a sitcom of don't-know-what-they're-doing-first-time-dads except this was a dog not a baby and I was extremely attached already. We probably broke every one of Cesar Millan's Dog whisperer rules, but we picked the best dog there was. And obviously the cutest.

Life goes on, day by day, and you get into a new normal. A normal when you don't have to bend down to pick up food, you just say MAYA! and she comes running. When midnight bathroom trips are routine, your schedule revolves around making sure you're not gone for too long to let her outside or to eat, and you get suspicious when the house is silent for too long. When every song lyric gets changed to something silly about your dog and she has her own little "theme song" that only you know. There's a mutual celebration every time you walk through the door, with talking and barking and snuggling and running - and you forget that most people don't get this when they come home.

A normal when you're NEVER alone because there's always a furry companion underfoot to listen, to hug and cry with, to play and walk with, to sleep with.
Your pup becomes family. She shows you unconditional love. She shows you what it's like to be a master, a caretaker, a good and faithful steward of what life has been given into your hands to cultivate.

Your pup teaches you important life lessons. And if you're lucky gives you a million sweet pictures and memories along the way.

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