Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Recap

Aw yes, the  blog recap of the year! I was going to try to list all of my favorite moments of the year but then I realized that my favorites were not necessarily because they were "awesome feel-good" moments; these are my favorites because in these moments God revealed Himself to me a little deeper, a little greater, and a little closer than before.

*note: these are in no particular order bc that's too much pressure


These girls - because it's almost been 10 years. Through thick and thin, these girls have been my community and I love them. Even though this year one of them moved away and we cried a lot - I still praise the Lord daily for them. 

Over the course of these past reflective days I've been moved to tears as I've thought about our new church and the new friends, community, and accountability we have found. Not to mention a church that loves missions :)
(pictured here: our first accountability group + Javi hiding from the tornado!)


Baby J came home this year!!! I've loved these 2 for many years and had the privilege to pray for, cry with, long for, and celebrate with them throughout their adoption process. We love you, Kai Samuel!!

What do you say when one of your best friends tells you she's pregnant? Get super excited because she's going to have the most beautiful baby ever. Case in point - Amelia and her little tongue!!


Being able to say goodbye to this beautiful woman was a privilege. 

Continuing to love on this not-so-little-one has been life-changing. Compassion International has changed both of our lives forever and I love seeing the kind, soft-hearted man Eduardo is growing up to be. 

Spending time with my nephew was life-giving and so much fun. I'm glad he actually knows us now! Here's to more superhero afternoons and trips to the aquarium!

And we cannot forget the rest of our Mexico "family" - how beautiful it is to have community in multiple countries and languages! They were so sweet to organize a surprise party for us - les queremos mucho!


Having Fernanda stay with us for a month really made us realize how much we'd love to continue opening up our home to others. 

Celebrating my favorite man and making him feel special. 

Oh Jason Mraz. You were my favorite 2014 memory.


These 6 screws and metal plate in this little leg caused a lot of hard conversations, budget strains, and emotional stress. All because of a squirrel. But the Lord was so kind to us throughout the whole procedure - helping us emotionally, providing financially, and guiding us to a cheaper yet still good surgeon. 

 When I woke up from a car nap to see us spinning out of control across all lanes of freeway traffic, it was clear we were NOT in control. Thankfully we hit only 1 car where no one was hurt, were not t-boned by passing traffic, walked away with no cuts bruises or broken bones, and had a totaled car that could still drive until we could get it into the shop. Insurance paid for EVERYTHING (seriously, thank you AAA), including my immediate back pain that had just undone so much of the healing that had been occurring over the previous year. But even in it all, God provided the money and the CLEAR guidance about buying a new car. Overall, it was a really cool experience and good lesson about praying about EVERYTHING.

My body continues to be temperamental - with good days and bad ones -  but this has been a year filled with understanding what the Bible means when God says that His grace is enough. Instead of beating myself up emotionally about my lack of physical strength, learning to accept it, learning to praise God in it, and learning to not let it lead me to despair has probably been the coolest lesson this year. I didn't do it either - it was really a heart change of which I was a passive recipient.

Loved you 2014, Here's to 2015!

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