Saturday, February 27, 2010

15. There are a few foods that look and smell delicious to me. When I see them I think “I want one!” But once I put that food in my mouth I sadly remember “I don’t like this!” and spit it out. Unfortunately, I keep on trying that food and many a banana and onion ring have been wasted on my poor memory.

16. I attribute my stubbornness and frugality to my grandparents – I don’t truly believe
that these things can be genetic, but it’s still a better explanation than the fact that my heart is still wicked.

17. I have an extreme aversion to overhead lights. I am currently sitting in the living room with an overhead light on and it feels so harsh and makes my eyes hurt/strained/tired. If you are ever in my room you’ll notice that I use a lot of upward facing lamps and never turn on the actual light. This is another thing I blame on my grandpa; every memory I have of him requires him wearing a visor in the house because the lights were “too bright”. Genetic?

18. I’m a little obsessive about finding the best driving route to and from places I go often. I time different routes from street to street and drive it multiple times at the same time of day to find an average time it takes. If you were to ask me how to get from Point A to Point B I can more than likely tell you how, how long, and how many stop lights and stop signs you’ll come across. And I will definitely think of nothing else if you take the wrong way when I’m riding with you.

19. I’m a mini- hypochondriac. I love those rare medical conditions shows and House but since my nickname used to be “Weird Disease Girl” I get a little nervous when my body does something unusual. For example, when I found out my wisdom tooth was infected I thought to myself “Great now the infection will go to my brain and I’ll die. Good thing Pancho already has his plane ticket so he can be at my funeral.”

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