Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas Spirit

Reading in Praying the Names of Jesus book, last week was "Jesus the Bread of Life" - focusing on how Jesus provides what we need and has conquered death so we can have life. What a beautiful time to be entering into the Christmas spirit!

When Thanksgiving is celebrated with plumbers, city trucks, and furnace experts - I know you're sooo jealous - it's sweet to remember that Jesus has provided everything that I need. Maybe I'm not sleeping bc the heat is going out at 430am, but He provides. Maybe our toilet is backed up because of the city's plumbing issues, but He provides.

And as I put up a fir tree, decorate with lights, hang words of "joy" on my door, and begin to wrap presents - I can remember that this is all due to the HOPE of the season, the HOPE of Eternal Life with Jesus, the HOPE that one day He will come, and HOPE that Immanuel ("God with us") is already with me every day in every moment.

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