Saturday, August 27, 2011

dear lord, i'm a kindergarten teacher

Yes, it's true, my faithful audience of one. I am 20 someones' Kindergarten teacher. This idea didn't really hit me until I was knee deep in children and head swarming with 40 parents in my classroom on Meet the Teacher night.

I was terrified. I dreamt all sorts of crazy things and prepared my heart for the worst. The first week has come and gone and I have survived.

Yes the first week is over and it was full of tears (theirs and mine), screams (theirs and mine), frustrations and giggles.

I am now a shepherd (see: herding cats),
an encourager (do your best!),
an artist (teaching the next generation to draw-- yikes!),
a singer (yes, some of my students have plugged their ears this week during my attempts to get the class to clean up),
a disciplinarian (maybe the 1st time for some of them),
a referee (that's mine, no, that's MINE!!)
a teacher.

hijole, gina.


Funny moment of the week:
We were practicing walking in a line in the hallway. As I told them to put their hands behind their backs, one of my students shouted "My phalanges!"
you can't make this stuff up.

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