Monday, February 16, 2009

blogspot or xanga

i think it's ridiculous that even though it's just as much "work" (and yes i use that term loosely) to check my xanga as blogspot - everyone says they would read my blog more if i wrote here... even if it's the same entry...
which is silly to me bc blogspot is less userfriendly and has less options than xanga.
but apparently xanga is "sooo junior high" -- which is kinda why i like it, it's a true journal that reflects my changes, my life, and my maturity.

if you read this - write a little something and i'll consider writing here too...


Anne Marie said...

i subscribe to both your xanga and blogspot, but in general, i do like blogspot more :)

denisie power said...

here i am :) i love you either way ;)

it is not about me said...

i think it's all kind of trivial. wait, did i say that???

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