- I am now the newest Kindergarten teacher at my school. Mixed feelings...
- Javi and I are spending a.l.l. summer together. This should be interesting!
- We have been waking up early all summer because my dog's internal alarm clock says 6:30 am = potty time!
- We will soon be renting a cute house in the heart of Denton closer to the square! It has a backyard! Yeah!
- Paperwork for my husband's immigration status! *soon*
Things that Don't Change:
- Afternoon naps, berries, and poolside times still make summer the best season.
- We've been continuing our low food budget with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Yum!
- I've been creating my own summer recipes - my new favorite is Graham Cracker Fruit Tarts (graham cracker crumbs, applesauce, sugar, cinnamon - mix and spoon into muffin cups - bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes - spoon yogurt and fruit on top! yum!)
- Summer reading is the best - so far I've enjoyed Same Kind of Different as Me and I'm excited to start Joy Luck Club and Savvy. among many others!
- My husband is an uber talented photographer! (and for some reason fb won't let me copy his pics to put up here, sorry!)
- God is still faithful to hear and answer prayers :)